ASP' Role and Responsibility

Roles & Responsibilities of Athlete Support Personnel


1.     To be knowledgeable of and comply with the Anti-Doping Policies and Rules.

2.     To cooperate with the Athlete Testing Program.

3.     To use their influence on athlete values and behavior to foster anti-doping attitudes.

4.     To disclose to Lao NADO and their International Federation any decision by a non-Signatory finding that the Athlete Support Personnel committed      an anti-doping rule violation within the previous ten years.

5.     To cooperate with Anti-Doping Organizations investigating anti-doping rule violations.

6.     Athlete Support Personnel shall not use or possess any prohibited substance or prohibited method without valid justification.

7.     Offensive conduct towards a Doping Control official or other Person involved in Doping Control by an Athlete Support Personnel, which does not otherwise constitute Tampering, may result in a charge of misconduct, which may render the Athlete Support Personnel liable to disciplinary actions which may be imposed by their governing bodies.


Further detials of these role and reponsibilies can be found in Code Article 21.2 and 21.3  with the WADA Code

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Help us protect the clean athlete and the integrity of sport. Every time someone steps forward with information on doping, we move closer to a clean and fair playing field for all. We know that coming forward with sensitive information is a big decision – one that you would not enter into lightly. We applaud the courage and conviction required to raise concerns about cheating. You have chosen to put your trust in us and we take this very seriously. This website is a secure way for you to report activity that you think goes against anti-doping rules.

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