Doing Control Process

Sample Collection Procedures

Athletes may be required to submit a sample for doping control anytime, anywhere. Testing can be conducted during competition or out-of-competition.

When an athlete is selected for testing, he/she may be required to provide a urine sample, a blood sample, or both.

Sample Collection Procedures

Urine Sample Collection 

   WADA Doping Control Procedures Video

  Doping Control Procedures – Urine Testing

Blood Sample Collection 

  Blood Testing & Sample Collection


 It is important to note that departures from these procedures will not invalidate a test result unless they seriously affect the integrity of the sample.


Speak Up

Help us protect the clean athlete and the integrity of sport. Every time someone steps forward with information on doping, we move closer to a clean and fair playing field for all. We know that coming forward with sensitive information is a big decision – one that you would not enter into lightly. We applaud the courage and conviction required to raise concerns about cheating. You have chosen to put your trust in us and we take this very seriously. This website is a secure way for you to report activity that you think goes against anti-doping rules.

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