Principles and values associated with clean sport

Anti-doping programs seek to maintain the integrity of sport in terms of respect for rules, other competitors, fair competition, a level playing field, and the value of clean sport to the world.

The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, body and mind. It is the essence of Olympism and is reflected in the values we find in and through sport, including:

·        Health

·        Ethics, fair play and honesty

·        Athletes’ rights as set forth in the Code

·        Excellence in performance

·        Character and Education

·        Fun and joy

·        Teamwork

·        Dedication and commitment

·        Respect for rules and laws

·        Respect for self and other Participants

·        Courage

·        Community and solidarity


The spirit of sport is expressed in how we play true and at the same time, the use of prohibited substances and methods is also considered a violation of the spirit of sport as well.


Why is anti-doping important?


Anti-doping rules exist for the same reason the other rules and regulations exist, which is to define different aspects of the sport in order to maintain excitement and to ensure fairness on the field of play. All rules and the fact that they are monitored and reinforced are designed to prevent any participant from taking an unfair advantage over another.

The use of doping substances or methods to enhance performance is not only wrong, but are also harmful to Athletes’ mental and physical health.

Speak Up

Help us protect the clean athlete and the integrity of sport. Every time someone steps forward with information on doping, we move closer to a clean and fair playing field for all. We know that coming forward with sensitive information is a big decision – one that you would not enter into lightly. We applaud the courage and conviction required to raise concerns about cheating. You have chosen to put your trust in us and we take this very seriously. This website is a secure way for you to report activity that you think goes against anti-doping rules.

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