Anti Doping Education session to Lao National teams

Laodado workshops
The Lao Nado Education team had a session for Lao national athletes about banned substances in swimming, bodybuilding, and judo athletes. The event was held on 13/03/2024 in the Lao Nado meeting room on the 2nd floor. This meeting made the athletes aware of the history of the use of prohibited substances, the rights and duties of athletes in anti-doping work, the process of testing banned substances, the effects of using banned substances, prohibitions that violate the rules of prohibited substances, prohibited items and methods prohibited in-out competition and banning some types of sports, knowledge about testing Drug situations in the Global Dro system also allows athletes to play the game by arranging the content of the drug screening procedure in order and also answering questions to assess the understanding before participating in various international competitions.

laonadobodybuilder workshop

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Help us protect the clean athlete and the integrity of sport. Every time someone steps forward with information on doping, we move closer to a clean and fair playing field for all. We know that coming forward with sensitive information is a big decision – one that you would not enter into lightly. We applaud the courage and conviction required to raise concerns about cheating. You have chosen to put your trust in us and we take this very seriously. This website is a secure way for you to report activity that you think goes against anti-doping rules.

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